Saturday, January 23, 2010

Read Us Not That Health Magazine(Email US @

Fed up with your ineffective gym routine? Want to know a few things on what it means to keep to your bodies needs? Does your body look the same as it did even when you weren’t on your current diet plan? What’s with that, huh? Here’s where it becomes a reality check.
Now’s the time to get that body to strut around in while making others glare at you in vain. From years of numerous physical training work outs and complied nutritional information, we’ve listed the proper techniques required for you to gain your way to a slimmer and healthier body, not to mention how satisfactory your beach body will pay off. 

Plus you'll actually get to indulge  in all  those sweet sinister cravings! We know you guys don't believe its true...

One of the major steps to achieving such a goal first, is to understand it. 

  •   What does fitness mean?

  •   How to incorporate it in daily life?

  •   How to manage it properly?

  •   How/why important is it for health & as a way of life?

  •   From what source?

  •   Certified instructors

  •   Difference between Body Builders and Body Fitness

  •   Safety: first aid, proper use of steroids, hazardous environment

  •   Proper use of nutrition, supplements, proper cardiovascular and weight training. 
  • Fitness is part of a scheduled routine to maintain physical and mental health through a controlled diet in daily life. We need to understand our body’s reactions to foods, the foods we eat and how to manage it to work for our body. Essentially, increasing the body’s metabolism is a key factor in weight loss as it helps to burn fat and digest food at a faster rate.

                       Applying this to daily routines requires commitment, mood and motivation. Maintaining a positive and open mind-set about setting a goal is not as difficult as it may seem. Optimism indicates commitment. Frequent exposure to positive health and recognizing the importance of  physical fitness, and nutrition creates endorphins and hormones which in turn promotes both mood and motivation for an easier work out session.
                       Sure some of us now will probably ask, “And why do I need someone telling me how to keep my body? It’s my life, not yours”. Well that’s for you to decide. The human body was initially designed for agility and mobility. Living an inactive and sedentary lifestyle is unsafe to your health. Become aware of your body’s conditions; improve your energy and efficiency levels.
Choices on which and where the right kind of lifestyle should suit your needs is a little tricky. Personal trainers have to demonstrate their knowledge ranging from nutrition to exercise programs and progressions to professional scope of practice. Of course their physique must represent the real  deal. If your personal trainer is overweight, underweight, of a large  frame atop thinner legs and supporting an unsymmetrical muscular  structure, fuck it. It’s all a waste of your money! Ask this knowledgeable ‘fitness’ trainer how to reduce the risk of injury and you’ll most likely strain ligaments during your future gym sessions.

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Saturday, January 9, 2010


On the left is Oscar and to the right is Edison
Cheng tzuu Bong single photo

Oscar specialize in bodybuilding, diet and sizing up
Compete several time and mostly in Jakarta
now focus on Australia competition.
Knowledged by Indonesia Top Celebrity Bodybuilder in Nutritions, Supplements, proper training and Legal Steriods Use.
Experience in bodybuilding about 12 years.

Edison Specialize in bodyfitness,  Fitness Zone Instructor, diet and lean muscle
haven't compete yet but knowleadged by one of the Junior NPC pro bodybuilder on Human Kenetic, Nutritions, proper training(Injuries Prevention), Supplements and understanding in ACE(American Council of Execise)

Cheng Tzuu Bong Specialize in Fitness training, Diet and lean muscle definition, Done modeling in KL, Acting and etc, Complete Martial Art combination. FitnessZone Fitness Instructor.

FIA Certificate 3 Fitness Instructor.
Currently Personal Instructor in FITNESS ZONE
Understanding of Kickboxing, Taekwando, Akido, Hapkido and Bodukai Karate
Aerobic Dance
Experience in Bodyfitness about 7 years


Gym Training only $20 per session
Gym Training and Nutritions $40 per session.
Gym Training, Nutritions, Supplements and safe Legal use of Steriods $60 Per session



OK this is how,
Complete carbohydrate- Japanese sweet potatoes, Brown Rices, Oat meal, American potatoes, or Dry Oats. (Complete carbohydrate is need for an energy sources to the body cell...
What are Carbohydrate-Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen...

Natural Protein- Cod fish(Bloody Expensive but fucking Good for recovery cause of Cod Oil and high in protein), Talapia( taste like drain but good for dieting and low on sodium), Chicken breast or chicken thigh (high is protein but after a while it taste crap), broccoli ( holy crap who is a vegetarian its ok), Salmon( nice but expensive good O-Mega 3) Eggs(make you farts like Brian Leung haha kidding Brian), Cheese(calcium for your bloody bone if not you be like a grandpa using a wheelchair) done with that....

Simple Carbohydrate Carrot-Vitamin A and you will be like "watsup doc"?

Fat - are essential for your body... it depend on your body need... its the best source of energy about 9Kcal/g. but the shit part are that the less you use of this energy will turn from fatty acid to Adipose tissue thats are your body fats. there are 2 type of fat... saturated and unsaturated... saturated(magarine) is the shitty one man... why when your body stored this crap in room temprature level it will turn into solid...thats why your body hard to burn this bitch man...but in the other hand unsaturated fat like Olive oil is good why in room temperature will not turn to soild its still in liquid form... but if you still got alot of fat in your body don't eat this shit...for semi diet bodybuilder is good for them for energy push...

Caffeine- Coffee is the best sources of caffeine to increase the burning start for your metabolism holy shit man now you know) but but but there are sight effect for this shit man...can't sleep and depression

liquid Amino by BRAGG all purpose seasoning for salt taste(cut sodium no need bitch now you can diet with taste yeah... America you rock)and it contain amino acid and several good stuff in yeah man)

Protein Shake( Use whey protein Isolate why cause if you use high calories protein(weight gainer) will make you fat not making you lean big muscle dumb ass lol) but depend on metabolic rate of eat person. but excess of this shit will turn into fat... but enough consumption will give you a fast recovery...

Amino fuel or Amino Acid rather then waste money on this shit better you get BCAA(Binary chain Amino Acid) Powder form cause last long and you only take after training Duhhhhh) so you can recovery fast but wait you need testosterone,

Distill-water- good cause its clean and no chlorine no nothing pure H2O for cooling down your body and to regulate your body function

L-Glutamine, take this shit tea spoon in every meal (good to retain the muscle structure ok)

Diet pill- yeah good shit but take with coffee in the morning use the correct dose k empty stomach and start treadmill.

Creatine powder or pill ( use for instant extra power man when you are bloody exhausted) use when you have 3 to 5 percent of body fat.

Multi-Vitamin- its needed for your body if you wanna to know more surf the net dumbass

O-Mega 3- for natural production of testosterone from your own balls

Flax-seed oil- same shit function as O-mega3
Testosterone, oral type or inject( why ok you know how you need recovery your muscle- testosterone is use to synthesize with the protein to built new muscle cell for rapid recovery without testosterone you are fuck) so you can lift heavy weight the next day bitch what da up( use testosterone enanthate if injected) local doctor fuck you natural bodybuilding my ass...look at your tummy its fat!!! and your blood cholesterol is high)

HGH(human growth Hormone) so you will grow your bloody mass muscle bitch in a nick of time. (Increase in IGF(Insulin Growth Factor), rapid recovery and increase of Strength.

This is the ideal of it... Almost all the people are lazy to train their Thigh...
Below is the Training call Front Squad
With nice Thigh your body will look more symmetrical sorry for the chicken leg there wahahaha... 
Okie here is the human kenetic in muscle goes... traget muscle and pumping the muscle up before applying heavy weight... heavy weight is depend on how your muscle react and apply more stress to the muscle and recoverying it will produce mass due to the muscle adapted. how size of the muscle grow, one apply stress to the muscle then (protein and testestorone) repair muscle, then apply double the stress then muscle recovery... and so on and so on....


ABS Training Bro

on the left and right is the same girl, on the left is called decline bench its good for making the abs tight and on the right is leg 45 degree leg crunch...its good for beginner or Pro Athlets bitch lol...