If you still have fats in your body... cut carbohydrate, Simple sugar and oil and fats...more chicken and fish and fiber... this will give your body a respond to increase the body metabolic rate... and start to use the body fats or other name Adipose tissue as an energy sources, remember by using this method will produce body heat level to rise remember to drink more distilize water... to cool down your body...sauna is need 1 week 2 time... to remove toxic from your organ and melting down the saturated fat if can tan first then sauna... you will sweat like crazy....If your body Fats is about 3 to 5 percent... then you can continue the carbo and simple sugar but cut the fats and oil... but sometime you need to cheat food... so eat in the afternoon before gyming K ... bitch... you will like this shit....
... never let your stomach empty why... due to Hydrochloric acid...for breaking the food down for digestion... eat more fiber for solidifity your shit... and eat more orange for the sugar so your brain can have energy to function.... hahaha....
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