Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
break down Training!
Break down Training....
Abs&Calves Every other workout
Cardio Three Time Per week for at least 25 minutes
Remember never follow Other people weight always use the weight that you can only push and increase 10 to 20 pound per week... why due to inccident muscle injuries like tendon its happen our muscle has a limit for applying stress, stress like the amount of weight that it can carry or pull or pull...
Muscle can adapt only if the amount of weight is apply and the time for the muscle to recover and adapt to the weight that you apply to it... by increasing 10 to 20 pound will stress the muscle and adapt to the new weight or stress that you apply on it... that how the muscle increase mass...
Steriod.... Testestorone, winstrol, stanazolol, etc...
Testestorone- function hell yeah this baby will combine with protein break down amino acid to perform muscle cell recovery...
most of the people inject or eat testestorone for excess to speed up the reaction so that the muscle will recover rapidly...and thrus apply more weight and gain mass... by doing this will cause the body a toxic reaction... one the excess testestorone that is not used will turn or converted to estrogen this will produce a mal-fuction for the guys to turn a girlish form of new feeling of less know what I'm talking about...
And some of the reaction will present pimple in the skin or agressiveness or headache or hair growth in the body region or sweat smell or less production of natual testestorone...
Winstrol AKA Stanazolol- fuction
Winstrol is a steroid compound that is available as both an oral and injectable. It is most often used as cutting agent because it doesn̢۪t produce huge weight gains and it also reverses some of the bloated look of testosterone and replaces it with a dry look.
Side effects of this drug include liver toxicity, increased cholesterol, cardiac hypertrophy (enlarged heart) and some users have even reported problems with the joints. Also, the injectable form is quite uncomfortable and can cause pain at the injection site.
Winstrol® is a popular brand name for the anabolic steroid stanozolol. This compound is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, although its activity is much milder than this androgen in nature. It is technically classified as an anabolic steroid, shown to exhibit a slightly greater tendency for muscle growth than androgenic activity in early studies. While dihydrotestosterone really only provides androgenic side effects when administered, stanozolol instead provides quality muscle growth. The anabolic properties of this substance are still mild in comparison to many stronger compounds, but it is still a ggod, reliable builder of muscle. Its anabolic properties could even be comparable to Dianabol, but Winstrol does not have the same tendency for water retention. Stanozolol also contains the same c17 methylation we see with Dianabol, an alteration used so that oral administration is possible. To spite this design however, there are many injectable versions of this steroid produced.
Since stanozolol is not capable of converting into estrogen, an anti-estrogen is not necessary when using this steroid, gynecomastia is not a concern even among the most sensitive individuals. Since estrogen is also the cause of water retention, instead of bulk look, Winstrol produces a lean, quality look with no fear of excess subcutaneous fluid retention. This makes it a great steroid to use during cutting cycles, when water and fat retention are a major concern. It is also very popular among athletes in combination strength/speed sports such as Track and Field.
The usual dosage for men is 35-75mg per day for the tablets and 25-50mg per day with the injectable version. It is often combined with other steroids depending on the desired result. For bulking purposes, a stronger androgen like testosterone, Dianabol or Anadrol is usually added. Here Winstrol will balance out the cycle a bit, giving us good anabolic effect with lower overall estrogenic activity than if taking such steroids alone. The result should be a considerable gain in new muscle mass, with a more comfortable level of water and fat retention. For cutting phases Winstrol can be combined with a non-aromatizing androgen such as trenbolone or Halotestin. Such combinations should help bring about the strongly defined, hard look of muscularity so sought after among bodybuilders. Older, more sensitive individuals can add compounds like Primobolan, Deca-Durabolin or Equipoise when wishing to stack this steroid. Here they should see good results and fewer side effects than with standard androgen therapies.
Women usually take around 5-10mg daily. Although female athletes usually find stanozolol very tolerable, the injectable version is usually off limits.
With the structural (c17-AA) alteration, the tablets will also place a higher level of stress on the liver than the injectable (which avoids the “first pass”). During longer or higher dosed cycles, liver values should therefore be watched closely through regular blood work. Although less common, there is still a possibility of liver damage occuring with the injectable form. While it does not enter the body through the liver, it is still broken down by it, providing a lower (but more continuous) level of stress. Such stress would of course be increased with the addition of other c17-AA oral compounds to a cycle of Winstrol. When using such combinations, cautious users would make every effort to limit the length of the cycle (preferably 6 to 8 weeks) and take some form of liver protectants. It should also be noted that both versions of Winstrol have been linked to strong adverse changes in HDL/LDL cholesterol levels. This side effect is common with anabolic steroid therapy, and obviously can become a health concern as the dose/duration of intake increase above normal. The oral version should have a greater impact on cholesterol values than the injectable due to the method of administration, and may therefore be the worse choice of the two for those concerned and this side effect.
The oral use of stanozolol can also have a profound impact on levels of SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin). This is a characteristic of all anabolic/androgenic steroids, however its potency and form of administration make Winstrol particularly noteworthy in this regard. Since plasma binding proteins such as SHBG act to temporarily constrain steroid hormones from exerting activity, this effect would provide a greater percentage of free (unbound) steroid hormone in the body. This may amount to an effective mechanism in which stanozolol could increase the potency of a concurrently used steroid. To further this purpose one could also addition Proviron, which has an extremely high affinity for SHBG. This affinity may cause Proviron to displace other weaker substrates for SHBG (such as testosterone), another mechanism in which the free hormone level may be increased. Adding Winstrol and Proviron to your next testosterone cycle may therefore prove very useful,, markedly enhancing the free state of this potent muscle building androgen.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
What is "Overtraining" and How to Avoid It
Overtraining is the trainee's number one "enemy" next to training injuries. Overtraining results from an imbalance between the amount of stress applied to your body, and your ability to adapt to it. Overtraining results in losses in size and strength and actually also increases the probability of illness.
Here is a list of some of the symptoms of overtraining:
Decreased muscle size and strength
Longer-than-average recovery time after a workout
Elevated waking pulse rate
Elevated morning blood pressure
Increased joint and muscle aches
Hand tremors
Loss or decrease in appetite
So what biochemical mechanism leads to this overtrained state?
After the onset of high-intensity training exercise the body pumps out cortisol which breaks down protein into their constituent amino acids and routes them to the liver for conversion to glucose.
The longer the workout, the more cortisol is pumped in and the more protein is destroyed.
This causes a "catabolic state" as the largest supply of protein lies in the muscles so that is where the cortisol goes first.
Research by Costill and Nieman et al., has shown that one hour of intense strength training will increase the protein stores in our immune and skeletal systems, but that any further training will only begin to deplete these stores.
Overtraining can force the body into a weakened physical state, which, at best can produce a cold or the flu and, at worst, can tear muscles ligaments, and tendons once these bodyparts lose their structural integrity protein loss.
The culprit is a built-in "survival" drug hormone called cortisol. Immediately following a high intensity effort, the body pumps out this hormone whose function is simple: It carries off the proteins to the liver, where they are converted into glucose, for energy use in the body.
Why does this weaken our defense mechanisms? Because all our immune systems are based on proteins, and the influx of control in our biological mix steals the proteins that make up our immune system.
Nieman, a researcher at Loma Linda University found that athletes who train twice as intensely as normally prescribed will wind up with twice as many colds, and viruses.
Nieman investigated the athletes for cortisol. He found that astonishingly, after only ONE grueling strength training session, their bodies revealed a 60% increase in cortisol production.
Among the first proteins to go were the T-cells that make up our front line of defense against viruses. This watchdog system was depleted by more than 30 percent. However, this shortfall lasted only 6-8 hrs.
So you're probably thinking "What's the big deal? Is putting your body at risk for only 6-8 hours such a high price to pay?"
Well, Nieman and other researchers found that after a few days of such exercising, the "at risk" time became longer and longer, until the T-cells stopped rejuvenation.
In addition, the body's first line of defense against bacteria and viruses an antibody known as IgA, which is found in the saliva, was reduced to nearly non-protective levels.
The conclusion of the researchers was that athletes can overtrain themselves into illness.
Thus the logical conclusion would be that high intensity strength training should be limited to one hour or less to restrict the amount of protein destruction.
Other ways to reduce the risk of overtraining:
Emphasize carbohydrates: make them 60-70% of your total diet.
Take carbohydrates two hours prior to exercising and immediately following exercise. Research has shown that your fatigued muscles seem most responsive to energy storage within the first 30 minutes following your workout. There is a lesser response for the next 10 hours.
Take protein one to two hours before and immediately following exercise. Again I use regular food, but I see no problem with supplementation to save time (at the expense of more money however). Research has also shown your body to be more receptive to protein immediately following a workout.
Continue eating high carbohydrate foods every 2 hours during the first 4 to 6 hours after hard training. During the first 6 hours post-exercise, simple sugars appear to replace muscle glycogen better than complex carbohydrates.
Post-exercise muscle glycogen storage can be enhanced with a combination carbohydrate-protein supplement as a result of the interaction of carbohydrate and protein on insulin secretion. The addition of protein with carbohydrates can allow for a more rapid return recovery.
Drink a rehydration beverage during and after exercise, for example, Gatorade.
Take periodic layoffs.
Use the best "miracle supplement" there is - WATER. You can't "overdose" on water. The worst side effect you can get as mentioned previously, is a few more trips to the washroom. Your body functions optimally when it is fully hydrated. A general recommendation is to consume at least 128 ounces (one gallon) of water a day. During hot weather you should double or triple this amount.
LEAVE YOUR WORKOUT IN THE GYM. Give your undivided attention to your training when your in the gym. But when you're outside the gym, cast your attention to other things in life. Establish your other priorities, set goals, and keep busy. There are many athletes who fall into the trap of letting their mind continually dwell on training. Train hard when your in the gym, but try and relax more when your not. Stress has been shown to increase levels of CORTISOL in the body - the catabolic hormone, so try to find ways to manage stress in your life and relax, and your results will be improved.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
CHest WORK out
Bench press. Bench press is the most popular chest building exercise of all time. Lower the bar down to chest until you reach about 1" from your chest. Bench press also works out your triceps and shoulders (deltoids). To build muscle mass and hypertrophy it is best to do between 8-12 reps of 1-3 sets. This helps the blood flow carry glycogen throughout your body, so calories will be easily burned and the exercise can continue with the help of adrenaline.
Incline bench press. It's the same as bench press, only it focuses more on your upper pectoral muscles.
Decline bench Press. Same as bench press, only it focuses more on your lower pectoral muscles. Most people don't perform this exercise but it is essential in obtaining a full and rounded chest, otherwise your chest can look somewhat strange.
Do Flyes. this will not dramatically increase your strength, but shapes your pecs in a great way. It is also a great stretch for your pecs.
Bar Dips. Using a wide-grip parallel bar, you pull the bar down and slowly raise it back up. This can be a strenuous exercise that gives you some trouble in the beginning. But it’s a one of the best pec workout movements you can to build lots of chest muscle fast.
Preparation- Lie upper back perpendicular on bench. Flex hips slightly. Grasp one dumbbell from behind or from side with both hands under inner plate of dumbbell. Position over chest and keep elbows bent slightly throughout exercise.
- Lower dumbbell over and beyond head until upper arms are parallel to torso. Return and repeat.
Lower body extending off of bench acts as counter balance to resistance and keeps upper back fixed on bench. Avoid hips from raising up significantly. Actual range of motion is dependent upon individual shoulder flexibility. Keep elbows fixed at small bend throughout exercise.Leave at least 72 hours between working the same muscle group, preferably until ALL soreness is gone.
- Get a 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Get your protein from meat, chicken, milk, beans, pulses, fish (tuna has a very small amount of fat and calories but a large amount of protein), and eggs as they are cheap and a good source of protein.
- Vegetarians do not have to lack protein, as of these days, soy products (usually contain the most protein of all) are sold cheaply throughout grocery stores and food markets.
- While working out, you have to remember that you have to get other vitamins as well. So pack up on fruits, vegetables, and grains(very little). Try to get sugar from only fruits.
- Exercise all your muscles. This helps you work out in an easier and a better fashion. Having pectorals with a pot belly does not look right.
- Make sure to get a healthy level of sleep when exercising or physically exerting yourself. It is important that you rest your muscles in order to grow.
- Remember that when you’re trying to build up a muscle, the “no pain, no gain” mantra really does hold true. Most people should not experience pain or strain when they workout. That would signify an injury or potential problem. But when building a muscle, you have to work that muscle until it can’t go anymore. Working a muscle until it fails is the only way to really build it up. Work the muscle to exhaustion, and then your body will hurry to repair the muscle and shore it up, building it in the process.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Biceps and Tricep TIPs
How to get big biceps step 1:- Eat Big!
In order to get big biceps, you need to eat big. This means eat everything! Your body needs to have an excess of calories each day before you can start to build muscle. Make sure you eat lots of protein (meat, eggs and fish) and lots of carbs (brown bread, brown rice and potatos). Protein is what makes up your muscles, and you need a lot of it to actually build muscle. Eat as much protein as you can.
To really get big biceps, make sure you either have a protein shake (a protein drink) or a good meal after your biceps workout. This is when your bicep muscles are repairing and need the nutrients. Also, make sure you eat before you go to bed. Most of actual muscle building happens while you are asleep.
How to get big biceps step 2:- Lift Heavy!
One of the biggest mistakes I see lifters making when trying to get big biceps is doing to may sets and way to many reps. If you want to get strong and big biceps, you need to lift heavy weights at low reps. When I say low, I mean anything from 2 to 8, depending on the exercise. Most of my biceps exercises are arounf 4 to 8. I like to load up heavy on the big exercises like barbell bicep curl, chin up and preacher curl. Take this one step further by using a spotter to help you puch out really heavy sets.
How to get big biceps step 3:- Rest Up!
Most people are surprised when they ask me how to get big biceps and I tell them to get plenty of rest. Like I mentioned earlier in this article, most of your muscle building is done in your sleep. So if you want to get big biceps, get plenty of sleep (9 hours would be good, but 8 is fine). Also try to limit your cardio to 1-2 workouts per week. When you're training your biceps, cut out the cardio. Don't train your biceps then hit the treadmill for an hour afterwards. How to get big biceps? Work hard, rest hard.
How to get big biceps step 4:- Mix It Up!
Feel like no matter how many hours you spend building your biceps you just can't seem to lift and heavier and get any bigger? You've hit a plateau. It happens to every lifter at some stage. This is why you need to vary your biceps workouts and shock your muscles into growth! See, you muscles tend to get "used" to the biceps training exercises. So you need to change you biceps workout every 2 - 3 months, change the day you work your biceps and change the order in which you do your biceps exercises. This will definately help you to get big biceps!
How to get big biceps step 5:- Train smarter!
To get big biceps, you need to put some thought into your biceps routine. Here are my tips to trian smarter: Only train your biceps once per week and hit them with 5 different exercises, train your back at least 48 hours before/after your biceps (because the biceps are secondary muscles in back exercises), never train your biceps if they are still sore from the last workout and always do the biggest and heaviest biceps exercises in your routine first (bicep curl, chin up, preacher curl).
Apply my "how to get big biceps" to your bicep routine and you'll notice the difference! Remember, you only get out what you put in! Work hard in the gym, rest hard and build bigger biceps!
In order to get big biceps, you need to eat big. This means eat everything! Your body needs to have an excess of calories each day before you can start to build muscle. Make sure you eat lots of protein (meat, eggs and fish) and lots of carbs (brown bread, brown rice and potatos). Protein is what makes up your muscles, and you need a lot of it to actually build muscle. Eat as much protein as you can.
To really get big biceps, make sure you either have a protein shake (a protein drink) or a good meal after your biceps workout. This is when your bicep muscles are repairing and need the nutrients. Also, make sure you eat before you go to bed. Most of actual muscle building happens while you are asleep.
How to get big biceps step 2:- Lift Heavy!
One of the biggest mistakes I see lifters making when trying to get big biceps is doing to may sets and way to many reps. If you want to get strong and big biceps, you need to lift heavy weights at low reps. When I say low, I mean anything from 2 to 8, depending on the exercise. Most of my biceps exercises are arounf 4 to 8. I like to load up heavy on the big exercises like barbell bicep curl, chin up and preacher curl. Take this one step further by using a spotter to help you puch out really heavy sets.
How to get big biceps step 3:- Rest Up!
Most people are surprised when they ask me how to get big biceps and I tell them to get plenty of rest. Like I mentioned earlier in this article, most of your muscle building is done in your sleep. So if you want to get big biceps, get plenty of sleep (9 hours would be good, but 8 is fine). Also try to limit your cardio to 1-2 workouts per week. When you're training your biceps, cut out the cardio. Don't train your biceps then hit the treadmill for an hour afterwards. How to get big biceps? Work hard, rest hard.
How to get big biceps step 4:- Mix It Up!
Feel like no matter how many hours you spend building your biceps you just can't seem to lift and heavier and get any bigger? You've hit a plateau. It happens to every lifter at some stage. This is why you need to vary your biceps workouts and shock your muscles into growth! See, you muscles tend to get "used" to the biceps training exercises. So you need to change you biceps workout every 2 - 3 months, change the day you work your biceps and change the order in which you do your biceps exercises. This will definately help you to get big biceps!
How to get big biceps step 5:- Train smarter!
To get big biceps, you need to put some thought into your biceps routine. Here are my tips to trian smarter: Only train your biceps once per week and hit them with 5 different exercises, train your back at least 48 hours before/after your biceps (because the biceps are secondary muscles in back exercises), never train your biceps if they are still sore from the last workout and always do the biggest and heaviest biceps exercises in your routine first (bicep curl, chin up, preacher curl).
Apply my "how to get big biceps" to your bicep routine and you'll notice the difference! Remember, you only get out what you put in! Work hard in the gym, rest hard and build bigger biceps!
Many beginner bodybuilders think that by doing hundreds and hundreds of biceps curls will lead to great strong arms. What they do not know is that only 30% of their arm muscles are represented by biceps. When it comes to arm muscles, triceps are those who count more, since they form about 60% of the arm muscles. So, we are here to talk about how to increase your triceps size.
The tricep muscles are formed by three larger groups: the brachialis, triceps brachii and the pronator teres. The first group will allow the flexion of your elbows, the second group allows the extension at the elbows, and the last of the three triceps groups, allows for the flexion at the elbows and power and motion of the forearms. Once you know how to train all these three groups you will know how to exercise your triceps properly.
If you want to increase your triceps size, the best exercises are those that use your bodyweight. These exercises are highly important, since they will train all the three muscle groups of your triceps. They are: triceps version dips, bench dips, and close triceps position pushups. The triceps version dips consist of simple body movements. You will have to keep the body straight up and down. What is most important for this type of exercise is not to lean over, because you will not be working your triceps, you will only work on your lower chest.
The easiest exercises are of course the bench dips, because all you have to do is to lower your body by bending the elbows, until the upper arms will create a right angle with the forearms. The last type of these exercises is the simple regular pushup. The only difference from the traditional exercises will be that your hands will be placed side by side, in a diamond shape.
You can also increase your triceps size by using dumbbells. There are several exercises that you can do with a dumbbell, but there are three that can really make a noticeable difference.
The seated triceps press is probably the best exercises of this type you can do. Sit firmly on your back on a bench, grasp one end of a dumbbell with both of your hands, and raise it above your head. When you do the lying dumbbell triceps extension, you lie down on your back, positioning your head right at the end of the bench. After that, take a dumbbell and lower it until it will reach the behind of your head, and then lift it slow to the initial position.
Another type of triceps exercises is the tate press. This is very common since it does not require too much time. All you have to do is to lay on a bench, a flat one of course, with a dumbbell in each of your hands. Then, you must extend your arms until they are straight but without moving your elbows and upper arms. Go slow up, lower the dumbbells down to the chest and done.
Thursday, February 11, 2010

... never let your stomach empty why... due to Hydrochloric acid...for breaking the food down for digestion... eat more fiber for solidifity your shit... and eat more orange for the sugar so your brain can have energy to function.... hahaha....
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Read Us Not That Health Magazine(Email US @
Fed up with your ineffective gym routine? Want to know a few things on what it means to keep to your bodies needs? Does your body look the same as it did even when you weren’t on your current diet plan? What’s with that, huh? Here’s where it becomes a reality check.

Plus you'll actually get to indulge in all those sweet sinister cravings! We know you guys don't believe its true...
One of the major steps to achieving such a goal first, is to understand it.
- What does fitness mean?
- How to incorporate it in daily life?
- How to manage it properly?
- How/why important is it for health & as a way of life?
- From what source?
- Certified instructors
- Difference between Body Builders and Body Fitness
Safety: first aid, proper use of steroids, hazardous environment
- Proper use of nutrition, supplements, proper cardiovascular and weight training.
- Fitness is part of a scheduled routine to maintain physical and mental health through a controlled diet in daily life. We need to understand our body’s reactions to foods, the foods we eat and how to manage it to work for our body. Essentially, increasing the body’s metabolism is a key factor in weight loss as it helps to burn fat and digest food at a faster rate.
Sure some of us now will probably ask, “And why do I need someone telling me how to keep my body? It’s my life, not yours”. Well that’s for you to decide. The human body was initially designed for agility and mobility. Living an inactive and sedentary lifestyle is unsafe to your health. Become aware of your body’s conditions; improve your energy and efficiency levels.

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Saturday, January 9, 2010
On the left is Oscar and to the right is Edison
Cheng tzuu Bong single photo
Oscar specialize in bodybuilding, diet and sizing up
Compete several time and mostly in Jakarta
now focus on Australia competition.
Knowledged by Indonesia Top Celebrity Bodybuilder in Nutritions, Supplements, proper training and Legal Steriods Use.
Experience in bodybuilding about 12 years.
Edison Specialize in bodyfitness, Fitness Zone Instructor, diet and lean muscle
haven't compete yet but knowleadged by one of the Junior NPC pro bodybuilder on Human Kenetic, Nutritions, proper training(Injuries Prevention), Supplements and understanding in ACE(American Council of Execise)
Cheng Tzuu Bong Specialize in Fitness training, Diet and lean muscle definition, Done modeling in KL, Acting and etc, Complete Martial Art combination. FitnessZone Fitness Instructor.
FIA Certificate 3 Fitness Instructor.
Currently Personal Instructor in FITNESS ZONE
Understanding of Kickboxing, Taekwando, Akido, Hapkido and Bodukai Karate
Aerobic Dance
Experience in Bodyfitness about 7 years
Gym Training only $20 per session
Gym Training and Nutritions $40 per session.
Gym Training, Nutritions, Supplements and safe Legal use of Steriods $60 Per session
Email us at
OK this is how,
Complete carbohydrate- Japanese sweet potatoes, Brown Rices, Oat meal, American potatoes, or Dry Oats. (Complete carbohydrate is need for an energy sources to the body cell...
What are Carbohydrate-Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen...
Natural Protein- Cod fish(Bloody Expensive but fucking Good for recovery cause of Cod Oil and high in protein), Talapia( taste like drain but good for dieting and low on sodium), Chicken breast or chicken thigh (high is protein but after a while it taste crap), broccoli ( holy crap who is a vegetarian its ok), Salmon( nice but expensive good O-Mega 3) Eggs(make you farts like Brian Leung haha kidding Brian), Cheese(calcium for your bloody bone if not you be like a grandpa using a wheelchair) done with that....
Simple Carbohydrate Carrot-Vitamin A and you will be like "watsup doc"?
Fat - are essential for your body... it depend on your body need... its the best source of energy about 9Kcal/g. but the shit part are that the less you use of this energy will turn from fatty acid to Adipose tissue thats are your body fats. there are 2 type of fat... saturated and unsaturated... saturated(magarine) is the shitty one man... why when your body stored this crap in room temprature level it will turn into solid...thats why your body hard to burn this bitch man...but in the other hand unsaturated fat like Olive oil is good why in room temperature will not turn to soild its still in liquid form... but if you still got alot of fat in your body don't eat this shit...for semi diet bodybuilder is good for them for energy push...
Caffeine- Coffee is the best sources of caffeine to increase the burning start for your metabolism holy shit man now you know) but but but there are sight effect for this shit man...can't sleep and depression
liquid Amino by BRAGG all purpose seasoning for salt taste(cut sodium no need bitch now you can diet with taste yeah... America you rock)and it contain amino acid and several good stuff in yeah man)
Protein Shake( Use whey protein Isolate why cause if you use high calories protein(weight gainer) will make you fat not making you lean big muscle dumb ass lol) but depend on metabolic rate of eat person. but excess of this shit will turn into fat... but enough consumption will give you a fast recovery...
Amino fuel or Amino Acid rather then waste money on this shit better you get BCAA(Binary chain Amino Acid) Powder form cause last long and you only take after training Duhhhhh) so you can recovery fast but wait you need testosterone,
Distill-water- good cause its clean and no chlorine no nothing pure H2O for cooling down your body and to regulate your body function
L-Glutamine, take this shit tea spoon in every meal (good to retain the muscle structure ok)
Diet pill- yeah good shit but take with coffee in the morning use the correct dose k empty stomach and start treadmill.
Creatine powder or pill ( use for instant extra power man when you are bloody exhausted) use when you have 3 to 5 percent of body fat.
Multi-Vitamin- its needed for your body if you wanna to know more surf the net dumbass
O-Mega 3- for natural production of testosterone from your own balls
Flax-seed oil- same shit function as O-mega3
HGH(human growth Hormone) so you will grow your bloody mass muscle bitch in a nick of time. (Increase in IGF(Insulin Growth Factor), rapid recovery and increase of Strength.
Complete carbohydrate- Japanese sweet potatoes, Brown Rices, Oat meal, American potatoes, or Dry Oats. (Complete carbohydrate is need for an energy sources to the body cell...
What are Carbohydrate-Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen...
Natural Protein- Cod fish(Bloody Expensive but fucking Good for recovery cause of Cod Oil and high in protein), Talapia( taste like drain but good for dieting and low on sodium), Chicken breast or chicken thigh (high is protein but after a while it taste crap), broccoli ( holy crap who is a vegetarian its ok), Salmon( nice but expensive good O-Mega 3) Eggs(make you farts like Brian Leung haha kidding Brian), Cheese(calcium for your bloody bone if not you be like a grandpa using a wheelchair) done with that....
Simple Carbohydrate Carrot-Vitamin A and you will be like "watsup doc"?
Fat - are essential for your body... it depend on your body need... its the best source of energy about 9Kcal/g. but the shit part are that the less you use of this energy will turn from fatty acid to Adipose tissue thats are your body fats. there are 2 type of fat... saturated and unsaturated... saturated(magarine) is the shitty one man... why when your body stored this crap in room temprature level it will turn into solid...thats why your body hard to burn this bitch man...but in the other hand unsaturated fat like Olive oil is good why in room temperature will not turn to soild its still in liquid form... but if you still got alot of fat in your body don't eat this shit...for semi diet bodybuilder is good for them for energy push...
Caffeine- Coffee is the best sources of caffeine to increase the burning start for your metabolism holy shit man now you know) but but but there are sight effect for this shit man...can't sleep and depression
liquid Amino by BRAGG all purpose seasoning for salt taste(cut sodium no need bitch now you can diet with taste yeah... America you rock)and it contain amino acid and several good stuff in yeah man)
Amino fuel or Amino Acid rather then waste money on this shit better you get BCAA(Binary chain Amino Acid) Powder form cause last long and you only take after training Duhhhhh) so you can recovery fast but wait you need testosterone,
Distill-water- good cause its clean and no chlorine no nothing pure H2O for cooling down your body and to regulate your body function
L-Glutamine, take this shit tea spoon in every meal (good to retain the muscle structure ok)
Diet pill- yeah good shit but take with coffee in the morning use the correct dose k empty stomach and start treadmill.
Creatine powder or pill ( use for instant extra power man when you are bloody exhausted) use when you have 3 to 5 percent of body fat.
Multi-Vitamin- its needed for your body if you wanna to know more surf the net dumbass
O-Mega 3- for natural production of testosterone from your own balls
Flax-seed oil- same shit function as O-mega3
Testosterone, oral type or inject( why ok you know how you need recovery your muscle- testosterone is use to synthesize with the protein to built new muscle cell for rapid recovery without testosterone you are fuck) so you can lift heavy weight the next day bitch what da up( use testosterone enanthate if injected) local doctor fuck you natural bodybuilding my ass...look at your tummy its fat!!! and your blood cholesterol is high) HGH(human growth Hormone) so you will grow your bloody mass muscle bitch in a nick of time. (Increase in IGF(Insulin Growth Factor), rapid recovery and increase of Strength.
This is the ideal of it... Almost all the people are lazy to train their Thigh...
Below is the Training call Front Squad
Below is the Training call Front Squad
With nice Thigh your body will look more symmetrical sorry for the chicken leg there wahahaha...
Okie here is the human kenetic in muscle goes... traget muscle and pumping the muscle up before applying heavy weight... heavy weight is depend on how your muscle react and apply more stress to the muscle and recoverying it will produce mass due to the muscle adapted. how size of the muscle grow, one apply stress to the muscle then (protein and testestorone) repair muscle, then apply double the stress then muscle recovery... and so on and so on....
ABS Training Bro
on the left and right is the same girl, on the left is called decline bench its good for making the abs tight and on the right is leg 45 degree leg crunch...its good for beginner or Pro Athlets bitch lol...
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